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The Live FAB Life Podcast

with Naomi Nakamura



The Live FAB Life Podcast is a weekly show that examines healthy living by Human Design and makes Human Design relatable with practicable and actionable applications in health, work, and everyday life.

With 20+ years of working in the tech industry and eight years of health coaching, I’ve had first-hand experience with and been witness to the effects that stress, fatigue, and burnout have on our well-being. 

Blending a bespoke mix of Human Design with Functional Nutrition has taught me how to optimize my health, find balance, and correctly use my energy, falling into an unapologetic life of freedom and empowerment.

Take a few minutes and practice self-care by tuning into this week’s episode with Naomi Nakamura, a Health By Human Design coach in the San Francisco Bay Area.



→ Seeing the big picture with different perspectives and new ways of thinking

→ Intimate, honest, and real conversations on health, work, and everyday life

→ Making Human Design relatable with a bespoke blending of Functional Nutrition



With a 20+ year career in the tech industry, I’ve lived the crazy hours, super demanding lifestyles, and constant drive that pushes us into burnout and chronic illness.

Aligning with my Human Design helped me recognize and embrace the natural gifts I offer the world, fostering boundaries, effective communication, and better-managed expectations. Through it all, I’ve learned how to appreciate, love, and trust myself, which has become mirrored in my personal and professional relationships.

As a Health By Human Design coach and host of the show, I aim to help you gain clarity and self-awareness in your body, mind, and emotions, so you can feel empowered, free of societal expectations, and become the best versions of yourself using a bespoke blend of Human Design and Functional Nutrition.



Bio-individuality and Human Design

Episode 180

Using Human Design to Avoid Burnout

Episode 160

Your Human Design Authority - How Do You Best Make Decisions?

Episode 184

Episode 206

Your Human Design Motivation


Episode 266: Celebrating the 6th Anniversary of The Live FAB Life Podcast & My 25th San Francisco-versary

This week marks the sixth anniversary of this podcast and my 25th year in San Francisco!

So, to celebrate, I put myself on the hot seat to answer all the questions reflecting on it.

And who better to interview me than a friend, podcaster emeritus, and someone who loves San Francisco as much as I do - Diane Sanfilippo!

Diane and I go behind the scenes and share:

  • Lessons learned from podcasting and how we’ve evolved from it

  • How podcasting aligns with my (and our) Human Designs

  • What brought us to the San Francisco Bay Area

  • What we love about San Francisco and why we still love it so much

  • Things we haven’t yet done in San Francisco that we still want to do

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Episode 264: 10 Ways My Human Design Boosts My Confidence

We often lack confidence in various areas, as discussed in recent episodes. Human Design can be a powerful tool to release and change the self-limiting stories we tell ourselves.

In this episode, I share ten ways that my Human Design has boosted my confidence and helped me reframe some of the narratives I’d developed about myself.

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Episode 263: Energy Leak: The Dangers of Comparisonitis

How does the old saying go? “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

We all understand what this means, and we all understand what comparisons do to us.

In this episode, we explore how Human Design can help shift and reframe the stories and narratives developed through comparisonitis and reset the damage caused over the years.

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Episode 262: Brain Rewiring and Energy Healing with Sandy Yang

In this episode, I’m joined by Sandy Yang. Sandy first joined me in Episode 194, the first episode in the Human Design Authority series, where she shared what it’s like to have an Emotional Authority.

Sandy is an Energy Healer and Brain Rewiring Coach.

You’ll hear:

  • Sandy explain what’s energy healing and brain rewiring

  • Personal and client experiences of both practices in work

  • How Energy Healing and Brain Rewiring complement Human Design

  • Recent observations we’ve made with Human Design, both in ourselves and with others, regarding Profile Lines, Defined and Undefined Centers, and more!

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Episode 261: Energy Leaks with Technology and Social Media

Knowing how we might be wasting it is important if health and Human Design are about abundance and energy alignment.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • What are energy leaks?

  • Two energy leaks that we all have around technology and social media

  • My personal experiences with these leaks and what steps I’m taking to address them

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Episode 260: Exercising for Energy

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • A listener questions how to shift their workouts to align with their Human Design

  • How Human Design has influenced my evolving relationship with exercise

  • Practical ways to incorporate movement and exercise into your daily routine and my favorite resource for workouts

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