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The Live FAB Life Podcast

with Naomi Nakamura



The Live FAB Life Podcast is a weekly show that examines healthy living by Human Design and makes Human Design relatable with practicable and actionable applications in health, work, and everyday life.

With 20+ years of working in the tech industry and eight years of health coaching, I’ve had first-hand experience with and been witness to the effects that stress, fatigue, and burnout have on our well-being. 

Blending a bespoke mix of Human Design with Functional Nutrition has taught me how to optimize my health, find balance, and correctly use my energy, falling into an unapologetic life of freedom and empowerment.

Take a few minutes and practice self-care by tuning into this week’s episode with Naomi Nakamura, a Health By Human Design coach in the San Francisco Bay Area.



→ Seeing the big picture with different perspectives and new ways of thinking

→ Intimate, honest, and real conversations on health, work, and everyday life

→ Making Human Design relatable with a bespoke blending of Functional Nutrition



With a 20+ year career in the tech industry, I’ve lived the crazy hours, super demanding lifestyles, and constant drive that pushes us into burnout and chronic illness.

Aligning with my Human Design helped me recognize and embrace the natural gifts I offer the world, fostering boundaries, effective communication, and better-managed expectations. Through it all, I’ve learned how to appreciate, love, and trust myself, which has become mirrored in my personal and professional relationships.

As a Health By Human Design coach and host of the show, I aim to help you gain clarity and self-awareness in your body, mind, and emotions, so you can feel empowered, free of societal expectations, and become the best versions of yourself using a bespoke blend of Human Design and Functional Nutrition.



Bio-individuality and Human Design

Episode 180

Using Human Design to Avoid Burnout

Episode 160

Your Human Design Authority - How Do You Best Make Decisions?

Episode 184

Episode 206

Your Human Design Motivation


Podcast, Self-Development, Lifestyle Naomi Nakamura Podcast, Self-Development, Lifestyle Naomi Nakamura

Episode 177: Wardrobe as Wellness with Jenny Wirt of Sartorevi

Have you followed fashion “rules” that you learned from reading teen and fashion magazines? Or struggled over the years knowing how to dress when your body changed to varying sizes?

I’ve experienced this too, spending years searching for help but never really finding anything that “fit” until I found Jenny Wirt of Sartorevi.

Jenny is a potent energy healer whose background includes experience as a fashion stylist and creative director, alongside her Master of Physical Therapy degree and Craniosacral Therapy training.

Independently, Jenny has also studied chakra balancing, inner child healing, and manifestation work.

Additionally, Jenny trained as an assistant fashion stylist in New York, Amsterdam, and Los Angeles, where she honed her visual prowess, working on advertising and editorial shoots for brands and publications like ELLE, Glamour, Bloomingdale’s and Bergdorf Goodman.

Jenny has creatively merged her diverse skills and talents into her wellness-based personal styling offerings under the brand “Sartorevi”, which stands for “sartorial revival.”

Driven by the conviction that every woman deserves to feel radiant, magnetic, and powerful within her body, she believes in empowering women through fashion selections to facilitate healing from the inside out and the outside in her wardrobe as wellness sessions.

Episode Highlights:

  • Exploring Jenny’s work in physical therapy, cranial-sacral therapy, energy work, and fashion

  • How Sartorevi came to be

  • The role our wardrobe can play in our wellness

  • The impact colors and their relationship to the chakra centers

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