Episode 244: Energy Healing with Morgan Sachs of The Healing Mind™ app

The Live FAB Life Podcast Episode 244: Energy Healing with Morgan Sachs of The Healing Mind™ app

Morgan Sachs (sounds like "socks") is a 6/2 Splenic Projector, a quantum energy healer, psychic, and creator of The Healing Mind™ app. With over 15 years of experience with energetics, Morgan's gift is to go back and heal the original source of energetic blocks so that people can move forward to their fullest and highest expression. She believes we each have a unique energetic frequency and loves helping people unlock and expand their unique essence through energy healing.

I’ve been using this app for a few months and find the Energy Infusions particularly nourishing to my soul.

In this episode, you’ll hear Morgan and I chat about:

  • What is quantum energy healing?

  • Her life living with an autoimmune condition, how energy work has been part of her healing, and the role Human Design has played in her journey

  • How to get started with energy work, and what’s The Healing Mind™ app

Listen to the Episode:

What causes the disease in our body is mental or emotional energy that’s not helpful, or it’s just stuck, or whatever. So when we’re able to clear that or help smooth that out, your body has access to so many resources that it didn’t have access to before. So the body is just designed to heal itself. It’s not like we have to teach it how to do that. It’s just when we remove those things that are in the way, then the body just knows what to do.
— Morgan Sachs

Read the Transcript:

Naomi Nakamura: In this episode, I am joined by Morgan Sachs. Morgan is a quantum energy healer, psychic, and creator of The Healing Mind app. With over 15 years of experience with energetics, Morgan's gift is to go back and heal the original source of energetic locks so that people can move forward in their fullest and highest expression. She believes that we each have a unique energetic frequency, and she loves helping people unlock and expand their unique essence through energy healing.

I downloaded The Healing Mind app a couple of months ago, and I have been using it throughout my workday. I turn on the frequencies, I put it on repeat, and I have found my days to be so much more focused and productive, especially as someone who has a sound determination.

Morgan and I recently connected on Instagram, and I invited her to join me for this episode where she explains what is quantum energy healing, and she shares her journey and how she came to this work, healing different autoimmune conditions, and then shares the role that human design has played in her journey.

She shares what the app is about and gives some pointers on how to get started with energy work.

So I loved having this conversation with her. Just through the screen, I felt a calm serenity just in hearing her speak, and I know that you will too. So, with that, let's get to this show.

Hello, Morgan. It is so nice to meet you. Welcome to the show.

Morgan Sachs: Thanks, Naomi. I'm really glad to be here and excited to chat with you today. Thanks for having me.

Naomi Nakamura: Of course. I've been looking forward to our conversation for a while. For those who don't know you yet, please tell us who you are and what it is that you do.

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. My name is Morgan Sachs, and I'm a quantum energy healer and the creator of The Healing Mind app, which is an app full of energy healing meditations. Yeah.

My background is very varied, I would say. I have done a lot of different things, all that have led me to where I am today. I'm a 6/2 Projector in Human Design, so that takes a while to blossom, I would say, as a 6/2. So I feel like I finally found my groove. Yeah. I live in the Pacific Northwest. I'm married. I have a six-year-old son, and I'm just really pleased with life at this moment. It's been good.

Naomi Nakamura: Well, I discovered you, found you through your app. My Determination is High Sound, and your app just called out to me. I downloaded it, and the infusions... I put it on through my workday, and I just put it on repeat. It is very soothing, and it helps me so much with my productivity.

One of the reasons I started this podcast is I really love hearing people's stories, real people's stories, had a lot of subject matter experts and thought leaders on here, but I just also love hearing from people and just hearing how they got here to whatever it is they're doing now.

So I'd love to hear your story of all the different things that have brought you here. But before that, can you share with us what is quantum energy healing?

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. That's a great question, and to be honest, scientists are still trying to figure out the quantum and all of that. But basically, when we think of quantum, it's really the energy field that connects everything. It's funny. You can look back at my chart and see how all this goes together, but I do have a Defined Ajna. I have Gate 57, and I'm a Splenic Projector, so I'm able to, for some reason, able to just see things in the quantum field.

So most of the work that I do is distance work. So everything that happens goes on through my mind, and so that's what really, I would say, quantum healing is. It's just the ability to move energy with the power of our awareness.

When I think too about healing, it's really just restoring something back to its natural state, and I really think that through this modality, and there's so many wonderful healing modalities available to us, it just is very unique, and everyone does it a little bit differently. I would say I just chose the name "quantum energy healing" for what I do. It's really just this flavor that just happened through me, and maybe at some point today, we'll talk about that, the activation that started all of this for me.

Yeah. It's cool because sometimes when you receive an energy healing like reiki or something like that, it's really someone doing something to you. But with this, what I love about it is it's...

The clients participate in it as well because especially during sessions, they're following... and in the meditations too in the app, they're following this journey, this story, which also goes into... I have the storytelling gate in Human Design.

Yeah. It's, again, just the ability to change, and shift, and move energy with the power of our awareness. There's all kinds of those studies, and maybe you've heard the scientific studies where particles change just by looking at them. So, yeah. In a nutshell, I would say a non-scientific explanation of quantum energy healing.

Naomi Nakamura: Like I said, it's new to me, but it's not new to me. Perhaps I'm experiencing it in a different way for the first time, but I'm really grooving it right now.

So where did your story begin? It sounds like was a journey to get here, but where did it all start?

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. I remember when I was a child, my mom has told me these stories of how I would see somebody at the gas station. She said there's this one particular story. I think I was three years old. I would see somebody at the gas station, and I just said, "Oh, that man takes kids from their parents and never lets them see them again." It's like, "Where would I have gotten that idea as a three-year-old?" I've always been very intuitive, but it was very, I would say, scary to my dad especially. I remember my mom saying after she told him that story, "Well, we can't talk about that anymore." They pretty much just shut it down. So, for a long time, I felt very uncertain, I guess, about who I was, and what I wanted, and where I was going, and all of that. I also have an undefined G-Center, so that plays into it as well.

Naomi Nakamura: I'm raising my hands. Splenic Projector with Undefined G-Center.

Morgan Sachs: Yes. Yeah. You get it. So I just went through school normal. I went to college. I have a Master's in accounting. I passed the CPA exam. I was doing tax returns for my first job.

Actually, nine months into my very first job out of college, I was doing some financial analysis for a healthcare company. I got an autoimmune disease, so it was life-threatening. I was hospitalized for a while. I forgot to mention this, but in college, I had a different autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis. I was only 19, and it looked like I was 80 walking up the stairs. So I just had all of these health things coming up.

Eventually, I got the message that, "Oh, I need to change something. This is obviously not working." I was very body-interested, like interested in a body.

I've received energy healing all the way back to my teens, so I was very familiar with it.

So that actually helped me quite a bit in healing, specifically Qigong and acupuncture, some other traditional Chinese medicine stuff. So I decided when I was in the hospital like, "Oh, this is not working, so I need to make a change." So I ended up leaving my job, and I started doing personal training. This was 2013. I went into business for myself for the first time, and it actually went really well. I enjoyed it, and yeah, I was surprised at how well it went.

Then, I started getting a little bit lonely like I didn't want to just do my business all by myself, so I actually ended up going back to work for a healthcare company doing recruiting. All at the same time, I was getting certified in Reiki.

I was still learning about the Enneagram and Integral Theory, all of these different things, and had my spiritual awakening or whatever. I don't really like that word, but it feels like the only way to describe it.

Naomi Nakamura: In a way that people relate.

Morgan Sachs: Yes. Exactly. So, yeah. I just continued on through that. I've sold essential oils. I've done health coaching. All these different things, and I'll just speed it up a little bit because you don't need to know all the details, but the most interesting part of the story, I think, is when I was doing health coaching for people with autoimmune disease, and I just felt like...

You probably can relate with your Splenic Authority. It's just like all of a sudden, you just know you have to do something, and it doesn't make sense logically.

I was working with my clients and they were having great results, and all of a sudden, I was just like, "I just can't do this anymore." I have closed the doors to my business. I had no idea what was next, but I just had learned over the years that I just needed to follow those inner pings or whatever you want to call them, and so I did. Then, two weeks later, I was laying down next to my son for helping him get ready for his nap, and I had my eyes closed. All of a sudden, I just saw this being show up in my mind's eye. That was the first time that had happened to me. I'd heard of people seeing other beings and all of that, but I'd never experienced it myself that I can remember.

Yeah. It was very calming. It looked like an alien, but it just a very calm one. I wasn't afraid or anything, and it showed me this stone rod, and like a banana, the outside layer started peeling away. On the inside was this beautiful teal, turquoise, looked like a selenite stick, but it was teal.

My mom was actually here at our house at that time. She was about to go on a trip to visit a friend, and she was not feeling really well. She was nervous to go on the trip and all of that, but I just was following what was going on in my mind's eye and this being guided me to use this stick on her.

I saw these two huge lava rocks on her back that just shot off in the space and all these things that I've never really seen before, and I could tell when it was over. At the end, I asked the being. I was like, "What is this?" and they said, "Hoyaku," and I was like, "What? I'm going to google that." I did end up googling it. There's nothing online about that, so I don't know. When I first started doing energy healing, I called it Hoyaku energy healing, but then I just realized no one knows what that is, so we're just going to leave it at quantum energy healing, but...

Naomi Nakamura: Well, what is...

Morgan Sachs: I think it's probably just the frequency or maybe the beings that taught me this or... I really don't know. All I know is they said it was called "Hoyaku," but there's really nothing online about that, so I just had to make it out myself. But I went back over to her in the other room after that all happened. I was like, "How are you feeling, mom?" She was like, "Oh my gosh, I feel so good. I just texted my friend. I'm so excited for our trip." She was better, and I was like, "Well, let me tell you what just happened."

Yeah. From that point, it was just an activation because I was, from that point, able to... Friends would pop into my mind's eye, and I would see where energy was stuck or whatever. So I would text them and say, "How have you been feeling? Have you been having headaches or whatever?" and they would say, "Oh my gosh, yes. How did you know?" I would just say, "I think I might be able to help you. Let me try." Then, from then on, it just snowballed, and they would tell their friends, and I was just like, "Well, I think I should do this professionally."

Naomi Nakamura: That is an amazing story in and of itself, but also, following your Splenic Authority.

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. It really is such confirmation. The more you practice listening to those things and you realize what it feels like, you're like, "Okay. I got to trust this because I know it's going to be good." Whatever it is, even if it doesn't make sense, it's going to be good.

Naomi Nakamura: Wow. So I guess what happened next?

Morgan Sachs: After that, I would say I've done energy healing for a few years now, and one of my clients in particular was asking me if I could start making things that they could listen to in between sessions.

So that's how The Healing Mind app started. At first, it was just an invitation. As a Projector, you're just waiting for those things. Although I had previously thought that that would be a good idea, it's just so cool to be able to distinguish between, "Oh, I think that'd be really cool."

Doing it without the invitation, it would probably wouldn't have worked, and so it was cool how that actually came up as an invitation, but it started out as a podcast format where people would subscribe to get the meditations in their podcast. Then, I developed the app earlier this year, and it's been really fun, and people are loving it. It just feels like one of those things, especially, I would say, with me having such a background of always questioning, "What am I supposed to do? What's my purpose?" and all of those kinds of questions for it to finally feel like, "Oh my gosh, I'm so in alignment. I'm so on purpose." It's effortless for me, and people are loving it, so it's just I have to pinch myself sometimes.

Naomi Nakamura: I love it. That is an amazing story. So I have experienced reiki, and I've actually had done some energy healing with some other people. But for those who have never experienced that before, what is the experience like, or I guess what can they expect?

Morgan Sachs: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, everyone is so different. The thing that I really love about the way that I'm doing this is we just let your body lead the way. I know sometimes with reiki or some other modalities, there's places that you start on the body a particular technique.

With this, I'm literally just tuning into your body, and whatever it shows me that needs to be worked on first, we do that. Whatever messages come through. Sometimes we'll get things from past lives to be cleared. Sometimes there's messages from different beings or just all kinds of... We never know what's going to happen, which is really fun. It's really great because it really does make an impact on how you feel more energy, more clarity, a sense of direction. Sometimes if you're, "I don't know what I should be doing," or just the guidance that comes through sometimes is just so helpful. Yeah. I think anytime we come back to and remove any of the energy and the programming, the conditioning that keeps us away from ourselves, anytime we can come back to it, it's so nice. This is just such a beautiful way for us to, I always say, restore our essential frequency because we know that when we are in alignment with that, things just flow effortlessly, and we almost just get to observe our life rather than feeling like we have to be the one in control and all of that. So it really makes it easier, I would say, to do that or to get to that spot.

Naomi Nakamura: Over the past few weeks, I have felt that although I have been sleeping well, I just didn't feel rested. I use an Oura ring, so it tells me my deep sleep and all of that, and all of that was looking really great. I was getting a lot of deep sleep, but I just felt like... I don't know.

You know how you feel like you don't realize sometimes you're holding tension in your body, and then you release it, and you're like, "Oh, that feels so relaxing." I feel like even though I've been sleeping well and doing all these things, I still felt the tension in my body.

So I've been doing some of the meditations, and I'm listening to some of the things on your app. I could feel the tension leaving my body, and it really... As Projectors, that deep rest is so important to us.

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. That is so cool. I love hearing that. That's what's so fun too about this is anytime I'm in a session, I feel what that person is feeling, and so I can always tell at the end, when we're done at the end because I just feel amazing. That's how it feels to record the meditations too is I feel tuned into something, the energy, and then at the end, I feel really good, and so I'm like, "Okay. This is probably how everyone else is feeling at the end of this too." It's just really cool. I love it so much.

Naomi Nakamura: I can see why. How has this helped people you've worked with or even yourself with autoimmune conditions come to healing? How has it been part of the healing journey that you've witnessed?

Morgan Sachs: Well, it's interesting. I would say from my personal experience, again, a lot of times, what causes the disease in our body is mental or emotional energy that's not helpful, or it's just stuck, or whatever. So when we're able to clear that or help smooth that out, then your body has access to so many resources that it didn't have access to before. So the body is just designed to heal itself. It's not like we have to teach it how to do that. It's just when we remove those things that are in the way, then the body just knows what to do.

I also personally feel like we're also not in control of that healing process either. It's hard to say. You probably don't want to hear this when you have an autoimmune disease that everything happens for a reason, but I really do feel that way. I feel like we're so not in control that when we have these experiences from a larger perspective, it really is part of our soul's journey, and the things that we learn on the journey through our illness is just... When you're on the other side, it's so much easier to see that versus when you're in it, but I would say... Yeah.

Then, when I was doing health coaching for people with autoimmune disease, it was much more body-based. It was less energy, but we talked about their lifestyle, the things that were causing them stress, all of that. I think just from scientific perspective, energy healing releases dopamine in the body, and so that is such a stress reliever. So anything we can do to lower our stress is just so helpful, and so I would say just from a minute perspective, it's very good for lowering stress.

Naomi Nakamura: Well, and I think that the use of sound is so underrated and healing. Like I said, I have a Sound Determination, and when I hear something, I think it has a different effect on me than other people. So when I hear something that is so soothing, I struggle with really tapping into my parasympathetic system. I'm pretty sure I've been conditioned to be Type A, and just in the world that we live in with our notifications coming through in our devices all the time and just the overall tension in the world that we do all these things to try, but even sometimes at our most earnest efforts, it's still hard to do. Sound has really helped me start to learn how to do that.

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. I love that. I think that is so great too because just the vibration of the sound, it's almost like you don't have to try. It just happens to you.

Naomi Nakamura: We all love music, and music is so powerful, but this is just a different type of music.

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. That's so cool.

Naomi Nakamura: So the work that you do is really transformative. How do you keep yourself in that state where you're able to bring that energy forth?

Morgan Sachs: That is a great question, and people ask me that a lot because yeah, it's important. Personally, I just have to be really conscious of my energy, and especially as a Projector, especially as a 2nd Line hermit body, I only do three sessions a week.

When I first started, I did a lot of sessions, and I've gotten to the point where I only do three a week, one-on-ones, and I record one meditation every week, which sometimes people are like, "I can't believe you do one every week."

But for me, for some reason, it's like it works well because it actually is really healing for me as well, so it gives me that chance to receive those frequencies as well. Yeah. I really keep my schedule pretty open. I schedule time for baths. I realize and I recognize how sensitive I am, and I used to really fight that. I used to just be like, "Oh, no, I can do it. I can..." I don't know.

Naomi Nakamura: Well, our world doesn't really allow for that.

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. My husband sometimes tells me. He's like, "Well, you live in a bubble." I was like, "I do. I know I do, and I just have to. That's just how I have to live."

Naomi Nakamura: You got to put those boundaries around the things that you need.

Morgan Sachs: Mm-hmm. Yeah, and I don't always do it well. I'm not good at it. It really does take me effort to slow myself down, and keep things calm, and all of that, but it's definitely a work in progress.

Naomi Nakamura: Well, but the awareness is there, and I think that's the biggest piece for a lot of people.

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. That's so true.

Naomi Nakamura: So how can people find you and connect with you?

Morgan Sachs: Oh, well, I'm on the internet, but I have a website, thehealingmindapp.com, and you can also search for The Healing Mind app in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. I'm also on Instagram, @TheHealingMindApp.

I'm starting to get into Twitter a little bit more. I know it's not a new thing, but I'm really interested in all of this Web3 ways of being on the internet. So I'm dipping my toes into that a little bit. Yeah, but I'd say Instagram or the website are probably the most things I use the most.

Naomi Nakamura: For people who would download the app, because you have a lot of great resources there, is there a specific place you recommend people start, or it's just wherever calls to them? What do you recommend?

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. I like the Subscriber Favorites. That's on the home screen. You can see what the top meditations are. So I like to remind people they can start there. Then, once you get a feel for the meditations... I do.

I always just remind people that they can just follow their intuition on whatever they're being drawn to. Is that how you have done it? What works for you?

Naomi Nakamura: I think the word "infusion" just... I was curious about it. I was like, "What is this?" and so I started playing it, and then I put it on repeat, and so I have... What do you call those Apple speaker things? So I put it on there. It was just playing at my house, and I just have it on as I work. Obviously, they're not eight hours long, but I just put it on repeat, and it just goes. On the days that I do it, I found myself to be way more focused and productive.

Morgan Sachs: Wow. That's awesome. Yeah. I think everyone will get exactly what they need and be attracted to whatever part of the app that works best for them.

Naomi Nakamura: Awesome. Well, I am so glad that we connected.

Morgan Sachs: Me too.

Naomi Nakamura: I feel like I have a new friend.

Morgan Sachs: Mm-hmm.

Naomi Nakamura: I just actually, this morning, recorded an episode on Projector-Projector relationships, and I feel like there's this Projector-Projector connection right here.

Morgan Sachs: Totally. Yeah, I know. I just had that thought in my mind as we were talking about... A lot of my relationships are Projector-Generator with clients for some reason. Obviously, that works really well, and so it feels really good actually to be with another Projector. You can just feel like really into you. It's like, "Oh, this feels good."

Naomi Nakamura: We get it.

Morgan Sachs: Yeah. It's great.

Naomi Nakamura: Awesome. Well, thank you so much for sharing, and for your time, and for your energy. I appreciate it.

Morgan Sachs: Yes. Thank you so much. This is so much fun.

Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.

She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.

She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.

Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!

Connect with Naomi on: Instagram | Pinterest

Naomi Nakamura

Hi, I'm Naomi!

I’m a Certified Holistic Health Coach who helps people who suffer from fatigue and digestive distress learn how to eat real food and adopt clean living practices for better health energy, and endurance. Why feel tired when you can feel fired up and ready to go every single day? 

I love running outdoors, connecting with like-minded people, and exploring the San Francisco Bay Area with my pup, Coco Pop.

Connect with me:  Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest


Episode 245: On Releasing the "Should’s" and "Have To’s"


Episode 243: Projector + Generator / Manifesting Generator Relationships