Episode 076: Eating for Nutrition vs. Avoiding Unhealthy Foods

One of the outcomes from my experiment in following the Keto Quick Start 30-day Meal Plan (Episode 074) was the realization that I had been eating to avoid unhealthy foods versus eating for nutrition, or rather nutrient-density.

In this episode, I’m joined by Nutrition Consultant and fellow 21-Day Sugar Detox Coach, Katie Leadbetter for a conversation exploring this topic.

You’ll hear us discuss:

  • What does it mean to eat for nutrient-density

  • How is that different than eating to avoid unhealthy foods

  • Mindful and Intuitive Eating

  • The role that programs like the 21-Day Sugar Detox, Keto Quick Start Meal Plan or even Whole 30 can play in mindful and intuitive eating

  • And a whole lot more!

Unlike typical episodes with guests, this is not an interview, but rather, a conversation with two nutrition and wellness practitioners sharing our views and philosophies on this topic!



Read the Episode Transcript...

Naomi Nakamura: Welcome back the Live FAB Life podcast. I'm your host Naomi Nakamura and joining me in today's episode is Catharine Arnston. Catharine is the founder and CEO of ENERGYbits, a Boston based company that she founded back in 2014.

After spending 30 years in the corporate world, Catharine went back to nutrition school and founded ENERGYbits and this is a company that produces 100% green, non-GMO, organically grown algae, specifically spirulina and chlorella, two superfoods that I've personally used in my healing journey.

In this interview you are going to hear us discuss what is algae, what is spirulina and what is chlorella and how it's a source of efficient nutrition.

Catharine's going to share what their health benefits are, how they produce their algae cause remember sourcing is something that I really really stress the importance of.

She goes into all of those details and she even talks about how algae is a fantastic fueling resource for athletes, specifically endurance athletes and that's actually how spirulina and chlorella came on my radar a few years ago.

Like I mentioned, I've personally used and continue to use both spirulina and chlorella as part of my wellness regimen which has been particularly helpful for chelation, which is the process of removing toxins and heavy metals from the body, which as many of you know, are health issues that I've recently faced.

Now, if you would like to try ENERGYbits, as a special gift to all of you listeners of this podcast, Catharine and her team has generously extended a 20% discount so you can try it too.

All you need to do is go to energybits.com and enter the code LIVEFABLIFE at checkout to claim that 20% off and be sure you listen to this entire episode because Catharine goes into great detail on which products are best for what situations and how to take them.

Without further ado, let's get to the show. Hi Catharine, welcome to the show.

Catharine A.: Well thank you for having me, this is very fabulous to be living fabulous lives with you.

Naomi Nakamura: Why don't we start things off by having you introduce yourself and tell us what it is that you do?

Catharine A.: Okay, sure. My name is Catharine Arnston I live in Boston. I'm the founder and CEO of a small algae company, although we hope not to be small forever called ENERGYbits. You can find us online at energybits.com. People say, "Well how did you end up getting into algae?

Naomi Nakamura: That was sort of my question.

Catharine A.: You don't plan to be selling algae. My family always used to laugh at me cause I was a bit of a glamour girl and here I'm selling algae and I couldn't get any less glamorous than that. I have an MBA and I was doing regular business stuff, it was corporate so I wasn't loving it and then out of the blue my younger sister up in Canada developed breast cancer. She's fine now, so don't panic.

This was 10 years ago and her oncologist, which is stunning that someone like an oncologist, they advised her that cause she was going to go through chemo so building her immune system was very important. They advised her to change her diet to an alkaline diet. Now they didn't tell her what it was or what it did. She got home and asked me and I didn't know either because I was doing corporate work, but I'm a really good researcher.

I said, “I don't know what it is, but we'll find it out.” It turns out it was mostly plant based foods because of the chlorophyll and the phytonutrients to build our immune system. She changed her diet. She went through chemo. 10 years later, she's still cancer free. But after doing research for her, I started researching about plant based nutrition. Now, this was 10 years ago, nobody was talking about plant based nutrition and I started reading about it.

I thought, man, this is powerful stuff. Someone needs to tell the world about this or that. Well, I guess I will. I gave up my 25 year corporate career, went back to school, studied nutrition, got out and I created a consulting company and I was teaching people. I would go into companies and hospitals, anybody who would listen to me trying to get them to eat more greens because I knew the healing benefits of plant-based nutrition.

What I found out that everybody knows they need to be healthier and they need to eat more greens, but they either didn't like them or it was too much work. I thought, well how can I save the world if they're not going to eat more greens? I thought back to the drawing board, I need to find something that's green, alkaline, easy, fast, and lo and behold I discovered algae. It's in tablet form, you can swallow it so you don't taste anything.

You don't have to cook it, you don't have to clean it. It comes in little single servings. It comes in big bags. It's the easiest thing in the world and the most nutrient dense, the most studied food in the world. There are 100,000 studies on the different health benefits as endorsed by the United Nations, NASA. I mean this is a rock star. This should have a star on the Hollywood fame for nutrition. But the only trouble is the quality has been poor in America.

Nobody knows about what it actually does. No one's educated anybody. Literally nine years ago I decided that's my path in life. I am going to educate people about the healing benefits of algae because this is a game changer for your health, for the environment, for our children and it's the easiest, fastest thing in the world. You don't have to do anything. There's no peeling, cleaning, nothing.

Naomi Nakamura: I was first introduced to algae through my functional medicine doctor a little over five years ago. I know a lot of people have no idea what it is we're talking about. Can you explain to people what is algae?

Catharine A.: Well, it's referred to as a superfood although I call it a super duper food. Algae is a type of plant. In fact, it was the first plant life on earth 4 billion years ago so before anything. We only been here for like 800 million years so algae's been around for a long time. I also think is something mystical about, that's something that's lasted through ice ages and whatever. It's just a very nutrient dense food.

Now it's part of what you would call the seaweed family but there was a couple of differences. Seaweed grows in the ocean and, well, let me qualify that. There's all types of algae. Algae because it grows and when it grows it releases oxygen, so it provides literally 90% of the oxygen on earth and it's what the whales, it's what the fish, it's what everybody in the ocean eats is algae.

But for nutritional purposes it's harvested as a crop in fresh water. This stuff is not grown in the ocean, it's grown in fresh water tanks. Ours is triple filtered spring mountain water and it's grown in Taiwan. It's a very nutrient dense food. It has three times the amount of protein as steak. It has 48 times the amount of iron as liver or spinach. It has more calcium than milk. It has more antioxidants than blueberries.

This stuff I call it efficient nutrition. It comes in tablets or powder. We do just tablets because it's easier to travel with. You can just swallow them, you can grind them up and put into a smoothie. You can put them on as a garnish on your salad. You can have them in a trail mix. If you can't get yourself to eat more greens or you're worried about your health or you just don't ... And it's a food based replacement for vitamins.

It's very very simple, fast, green and it's Vegan, it's Paleo, it meets all dietary restraint conditions. It's just a very efficient way to give your body what it needs and we can talk about what it is that your body needs and we're all missing a lot of these important nutrients. It's a plant, it's a type of vegetable.

Naomi Nakamura: And you specifically focus on spirulina and chlorella, am I correct?

Catharine A.: Yes, those are the only two. Many people know about spirulina and very few people know about chlorella and I definitely want to explain the difference between the two of them and what they do with your body.

Naomi Nakamura: Yeah, let's get into that. I've taken both before and I've taken chlorella for detoxification purposes. So yeah, why don't we get into what they are, how they're different and why are they good for us?

Catharine A.: They're like my two favorite children. Well, let's start with spirulina because spirulina was the first plant life on earth. They've got fossils to prove it and it's what's called a blue green algae. When you hear somebody mention blue green that they're basically talking about spirulina. Now, the interesting thing about spirulina is it's not actually a plant. It's actually technically a bacteria.

Up until a few years ago I would never have mentioned that to anybody because everyone was bacteria phobic. But now we all know about the biome and how important bacteria is. For a nutritional perspective, the reason why this is important to know is because there's no cellulous wall on the outside of spirulina. This means it's very easy for your body to absorb it.

And that's why our first customers were endurance athletes, Olympic athletes, marathon runners, because it would give them the energy that they needed almost instantly and never caused stomach distress because it never got to their lower intestine undigested and there's obviously no sugar or chemicals. Spirulina is a remarkable plant that's loaded with protein, loaded with iron, all of B vitamins.

If you ever look at any energy drinks, it's the B vitamins that give you energy. We call our spirulina ENERGYbits because we found out it gives you energy both physically and mentally. Some of our customers are truck drivers, some are surgeons. We work with a lot of students, just busy people that just want more focus and everyone's expecting the energy but they can't. They're stunned by the focus that they get.

Spirulina has 40 vitamins and nutrients and it's just this remarkable blend of nutrients that just gives your body what it needs and it has two pigments in it that give it the blue green color. One is chlorophyll, which everybody knows about, but the blue one is called phytocynin and it has a lot of other healing properties. But in general, spirulina is a bacteria, very nutrient dense that gives you energy mentally and physically improves your skin health because your skin is mostly protein and same with your hair.

Now, chlorella developed about 900 million years after spirulina and it truly is a plant. It has a cellulous wall in the outside. In fact, it's the hardest cellulose wall in the entire plant kingdom, which is so interesting because it actually has to be cracked to production in order for your body to absorb the nutrients that are in chlorella. Let's circle back to that point in a minute.

But it's this hard cellulous wall that allows chlorella to attach to toxins and pull them out. It's known as a key layer, it pulls toxins out of your ... It doesn't matter whether it's mercury, lead, it pulls out lactic acid, it pulls out alcohol, it pulls it out of your cells, your organs, your blood. On the alcohol thing, if you take this after drinking any kind of alcohol, wine, beer, within an hour and a half, you are stone sober.

Spirulina gets into your bloodstream quickly, even cracked it takes an hour and a half to kick in. What chlorella does is this, it's a health algae. It pulls out toxins. It has the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world. Chlorophyll is a fat based pigment that helps heal your cell walls. It also has the highest concentration of RNA and DNA in the world which is so important as you age because your RNA becomes damaged and then it replicates in the damage form and it's great for your skin.

It also has very high amounts of K2. If you do not know about the importance of K2, please google vitamin K2. We're all short of vitamin K2 and it's because the only source of K2 is a Japanese dish called Natto, which nobody here eats really or grass fed animal protein which you're tough if you're a Vegan. We found out that it's in the algae primarily in the chlorella. The reason why we don't have any K2 in our diets is that the animals eat grass with K1 in it.

They have a bacteria in their gut that converts the K1 to K2 and when we grass fed animal protein, then we're getting the K2. But back in the 60s they took all the chickens and the cows off the pastures and put them into enclosures and started feeding them corn. Nothing green about corn. There was no K1 so we weren't getting the K2 so K2 disappeared. The importance of K2 is that it removes calcium from soft tissue.

We're all taking calcium. We're all taking D3 to help with the absorption of calcium, but guess what? It's being absorbed in the wrong places. It's going into our blood vessels, it's going into our brain, it's going into our skin. Kidney stones are mostly calcification, the realizing heart disease is basic calcification of your heart vessels and K2 will move that calcium out of your blood vessels, out of your kidneys, out of your brain and into your bones.

K2 also prevents osteoporosis because without the K2, calcium is just not going there. I was dancing on the tables when I found out that the chlorella has the daily requirement of K2 in it. All these things, K2, the DNA, the chlorophyll, the detoxing hard cellulose wall, it also has something called chlorella growth factor which speeds up the growth of your cells so you heal faster from surgery or injury.

All of that contributes to the fact that chlorella is really a health and wellness algae. Spirulina is an energizing algae. The two of them work really well together.

Naomi Nakamura: I have to tell you, the time of the first time I took chlorella, my doctor hadn't warned me cause she had wanted me to take three tablets but she said you might have to work your way up to it and I had no idea. I just went ahead and pop three. I got so sick. I was so so sick I could not function for the rest of the day. My stomach hurt so bad and when I called her up she said exactly what you said, she said, your body's detoxing. That's why I said you have to work up a tolerance to it.

Catharine A.: Not everybody has that and there is no shame, in fact, at least you know that it's working because the reason why you feel sick, it's not the chlorella that's making you feel sick. What's happening is it's pulling the toxins out of your organs or wherever they are and they're circulating in your blood on the way out or aspiration or sweating. And so the toxins now are moving around your body and they're causing havoc. But I tell people it's so much better put up with a little bit of that inconvenience, get them out of your body and then you'll be clean.

Naomi Nakamura: Within a day or two it was fine and I'm up to three in no time but it was an unexpected reaction.

Catharine A.: Well, and there is a very small percentage of people that can't tolerate chlorella at all. It's very small, but it does happen occasionally. That's why we sell single servings on Amazon cause we don't want people to feel they have to buy a whole bag for $120 although we have a nice discount code to share with them so they can get 20% off on our website. But it's much better to try it first. Be sure you're not one of the few that can't tolerate it and if you can't tolerate it, I love them.

I mean I eat them like people eat M&M's or peanuts, I literally have handfuls of them. They're a main food source for me and they taste fantastic with macadamia nuts and also pretty good with almonds. But the macadamia nuts because of the fat in the macadamia and the sea salts makes the two of them when you eat them with the RECOVERYbits of chlorella, taste like potato chips. It is off the charts, unbelievable.

Naomi Nakamura: I need to try that.

Catharine A.: Yeah. We'll send you some. And in fact, I now put sea salt just on the chlorella. We're going to do a trail mix next year with the chlorella and the macadamia nuts.

Naomi Nakamura: Cool. How do you go from an algae to these tablets? How are they made?

Catharine A.: Yes. Well, as I said, we grow ours in fresh water tanks. It takes about a month to grow and then they sort of pull them all to the end and then a shoot 'em up into the air so it's air dried. This is very important because high heat will kill the enzymes and cause some nutritional deterioration and we don't use high heat. We even have people do muscle testing and lots of times they tells us that they couldn't take either spirulina or chlorella, but they can always take ours because it's so clean and so pure.

We're the only algae company I know that is endorsed by doctors and nutritionists. It's air dried, it comes into a powder and then they just press them into these little tablets. Now, there's no binders and I think the reason why they stay pressed into the tablets is because there's so much essential fatty acid in them and they just stick together. We then import them from Taiwan in huge containers and we do the packaging here in America.

We have large bags like this that you can buy on our website at energybits.com and then we have smaller, I just happen to be in our office for our supplies. On Amazon you can buy the bags but you could order a single serving. There's 30 tablets in a single serving. We tell people, hey, you might only need three or four to have some energy and then you can just take the rest of them later on.

But we started putting 30 in the single servings because, as I mentioned, we were working with athletes at the very beginning and we said 10 and they weren't feeling an energy and then we get the 20 and 30. By the time we got to 30 they were consistently feeling the energy so that's where we stopped and there was a thousand tablets in a bag. It was really fun. We have a little tin that we include in the bag.

You can fill up the tin, put it in your pocket or your handbag or your gym bag and you always have a highly nutritious snack. This will take away your hunger, forgot to mention that. Spirulina satisfies your hunger. We work with a lot of Keto people, this also ketogenic. Intermittent fasting is finally becoming accepted and I do intermittent fascinating all the time. I have this for breakfast because it doesn't increase your glucose or decrease your ketones, so you're still in a facet state. So it's fantastic.

I have these in the morning and we usually have like a late lunch brunch like in two o'clock or something. And if I need snacks later on I can have more of these or more chlorella.

Naomi Nakamura: I used to be an endurance athlete myself. I used to train for marathons for a number of years. And you mentioned that and the part that I never quite figured it out was may fueling. I tried all the gels out there. I try to all of the chews, it would always upset my stomach and it was always such a hard thing because you train from us for this one race and you have to get your nutrition down and sometimes the timing is what you're eating. It's all of those things combined. Can you talk more about how you started working with athletes and then how this is a great source of fuel for them?

Catharine A.: Oh, I know. I can hardly wait to circle back to the athletic community. Well, what happened was we had someone on our team who was an Olympic athlete herself. She started reaching out to her community and especially with the Olympic teams, they travel together. And so when they find something that works, they share it with each other and they love spirulina, the ENERGYbits because it did give them the energy and focus that they needed for whatever sport they were doing.

And then the chlorella RECOVERYbits kept them healthy because when you get 40 people together traveling on a bus, one of them gets sick and boom, it goes through the entire team. They found that the RECOVERYbits kept them really healthy. But I think we started with sending out samples to bloggers and turned out a lot of the bloggers were runners and so they started blogging about us and that's how the running communities started to find us.

It started with runners. We used to exhibit at the Boston Marathon Expo and then the triathlon community found about us because of course there's running in part of triathlons. We started doing all the triathlons shows and it was really just word of mouth. And so then what happened was I started getting asked to speak at triathlon club. I went to the MIT triathlon club and this is now like back in 2013.

I've been at this almost 10 years now. They would just fire questions at me. How can something with one calorie per tablet give me energy? And I said, well, good question, I'll find out for you. Back in 2013 that's when I started doing the deep dives on the science because people needed to know. I think the trouble with algaes is there's literally too much information about it and no one's ever kind of connected the dots and simplified it for people.

I'll send you my some show notes, I've found about 18 reasons why it gives you energy. Things like spirulina is a vaso dilator, chlorella is not. What that means is it stimulates your body to release nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes smooth muscles. Your blood vessels are a smooth muscle, so that allows the blood to flow a lot faster and get to your muscles and your brain faster. That helps contribute to your energy.

As I mentioned, it's loaded with B vitamins, B vitamins are what convert glucose into energy. That gives you energy. It has no cellulose wall so all of the nutrients get to your body very very quickly. It's loaded with iron. What iron does in the body is it carries oxygen. When you have more iron, you can carry more oxygen. That prevents you from getting tired. It actually saves you energy because there's no digestion required.

15% of your energy is through digestion so that gives you back energy. It's like making a deposit into your energy bank account. It's very alkaline and as an athlete you know that as you work out, your body releases lactic acid. I can send you some slides of dried blood samples that show that when you released lactic acid, for a very brief moment it strips off the negative charge on your hemoglobin because your hemoglobin have the negative charge on them so they can stay nice and round and carry the oxygen.

But when you have lactic acid it's trips that off so now they clump together which does two things. Now they can't fit into the two fat cause they're clumping, they can't fit into the pillories and so it can't deliver oxygen because it can't get through them. And because they're distorted, they can't carry the iron atom so they can't carry oxygen, which makes you tired. The algae automatically restores the alkaline charge.

Now the hemoglobin are round and not clumping and they can get everywhere that they can go. Those are just a few of the top notes of why this stuff works. I was so proud to discover all these things and that's just the athletic benefits and the recovery has similar kinds of benefits But from a recovery standpoint SO it's pretty cool.

Naomi Nakamura: I was going to say, from just a casual athlete's perspective, the whole appeal for me would be it doesn't upset your GI and it helps lower inflammation which is such a critical part of recovery because it is so alkaline.

Catharine A.: Well, and we heard so many times from people, especially when they're at like 20 miles, the thought of putting something sweet in their mouth just made them want to vomit. Excuse me, but they just couldn't take it.

Naomi Nakamura: And usually at that point they've probably had like three or four others already. I've been there and I'm like, this is the last thing I want us to eat this gel but I know I have to because they give me energy.

Catharine A.: And so we have people the way they fuel is they start with a single serving, which is the 30 tablets, and then they put a couple in their zipper and every hour they might have 5 or 10 more. Whenever they're feeling their energy starting to drop they just top it off with a little sip of water. Like I said, we only started by having bloggers write about us and that it just kept going and going because it's runners like to share things that work really well.

The reason we ended up moving away from the running community, the athletes love the product, but we couldn't get the running retailers to stock us because it's only $4 and you know that the retail industry is under a lot of pressure right now. They were looking for products that were $500 or $5,000. We went to all the shows. We went to the cycling shows, the running shows, they couldn't get any of it.

We ended up moving into the wellness community instead where we're really understood and we'll get back to the Ford's community eventually because there is nothing like this stuff. We do fuel already five NHL teams. We've been approached by soccer teams, MMA, Olympic teams that they really love the product. Hockey players, they'll put 75 tablets of the spirulina ground up in their smoothie before the game.

And then the same thing with the chlorella after the game. It's fantastic for them. We know it works, the science is there and the notable is there, we just have to get people to learn more about it. You can swallow them if you don't like flavor and you don't have to take 30, you can take whatever your body responds positively to. As I say, efficient nutrition. It's probably the safest, at least our algae, you'll ever put in your body, which is actually where I'd like to circle back to the chlorella.

Remember where you're talking about how it needs to be cracked to production? Well, the original company that grew chlorella is called Sun Chlorella. And I'm very grateful for them because they started this whole thing 50 years ago and they patented the technique to crack the chlorella and almost everybody uses this technique. What they do is they tumble it with glass beads, but the trouble is the glass heats up and led from the glass leaks into the chlorella.

They denied it for years and then the state of California as a prop 36 or 46. Anyways, they tested it and found out that their chlorella does have excessive led in it. Remember, 99% of the chlorella industry uses their technique. But when I started the company, I heard rumors that this could be a problem. I said, well, that's not going to work for us. We need to find something that's clean and pure and safe.

A new technique and just been developed which was to pass the chlorella through a sound chamber. It's the vibrations that crack the chlorella. No heat, no glass, no lead. I told this to somebody recently and they said, oh, your chlorella has good vibrations, how appropriate. Yes, we're very proud of that with good vibrations. That's why I stand by our algae's being the safest, purest that you can find.

In fact, I'll just tell you today I shared an email with my team just last three days ago Trump signed into effect a new farm act and it's the first time algae has been included in the farm act and because even the senators now recognize that algae is so efficient nutrition. It's all grown in Asia. Virtually nobody in America grows it here and it's going to save us because it can be grown on arable land.

It's not going to take over land where we already have crops. You can grow this in the fricking Nevada desert because it's grown in tanks, water tanks that you reuse the water because algae kills bacteria, uses 20% of the water the other crops use and you can have 5 or 10 crops a year instead of one. You grow a farm of corn then you wait until the next year and you grow it again.

But algae, once a month you've got a crop done ready to go. It's very exciting to see that even the American government recognizes the power of algae and people think that algae is a supplement. No, it's a food. Almost every other company has a supplement label on their packaging but we have a food pack label because I know that the FDA recognizes it as food. It's an ingredient in other foods.

And now even the Senate and the US government recognizes it as food. I tell people, have you ever tried to grow a supplement? Show me how you can do that. But algae, and I'll tell you a side note on algae, I read about the National Geographic some people were up in the Arctic and they found some rocks from the ice age from billions of years ago. They found some algae crystallized in the rocks.

Just for our curiosity sake, they took a little bit of it and they put it in a PG just and put it some water. Do you know it started growing. This stuff never dies. Just imagine what it does to your body. I tell people I'm 125 years because of what algae does. I need people to take this stuff's so I'll have people around to play with when I'm 200.

Naomi Nakamura: Do you see some production coming over to the US?

Catharine A.: I certainly hope so. I want to grow our algae here. That's my dream. If I could do it today I would, it's going to take about $5 million to $10 million. If any of your listeners an entrepreneur who wants to grow her own algae, I want to have an educational tour. I have vision busloads of kids coming up and see how algae is produced and turn it into a combination of Disneyland meets apple cause this stuff rocks my boat obviously. I just love this stuff. So yeah, I want to be a algae producer in America. You bet. I will not stop until we've done that.

Naomi Nakamura: I'm so glad you also touched upon the safety and sourcing part of it and the production cause I think that's something that more people need to learn to pay attention to.

Catharine A.: Yes, absolutely. And we do third party testing here in America. I'm the only company that I'm aware of that does that. We don't make the tests available to the public, but we will share them with doctors, natural paths, any professional cause they'll know how to read them. And so if anybody wants to see them, all we ask is that you give us the name of your natural path, your homeopath or your chiropractor and we're happy to send them the lab test so they can see all the purity and the quality. There's 20, 30 pages of tests that are done on them to show that there's no toxins and no anything that shouldn't be in there. The nutrients that we say on the label or exactly what's there. We do that every year, every batch.

Naomi Nakamura: That's the wonderful. Well, I have learned so much. I enjoyed our conversation.

Catharine A.: Oh me too. Thank you.

Naomi Nakamura: Where can people go to learn more about ENERGYbits and to connect with you?

Catharine A.: Yes. Well our website is energybits.com and just so they don't get confused, we have two spirulina products. They are absolutely identical, packaging is just different because we found that women weren't attracted to the original ENERGYbits blue. Someone said, oh, you have a girl spirulina and a boy spirulina. Pretty much. So BEAUTYbits is pink and we sell that to the spa and beauty industry.

Actually were going to be in la in two weeks for the Indie Beauty show, but both ENERGYbits and BEAUTYbits are exactly same, just different packaging. The chlorella that we sell is called RECOVERYbits because it helps you recover your health and then we have another product called VITALITYbits that's a blend of the two algaes. It just simplifies your life if you just can only buy one day.

You can go to energybits.com and there's lots of information there. But if you prefer to just try a single serving, you can go to amazon.com and buy single servings there. You can also buy the bags because they offer prime shipping. But on our website we wanted to offer your listeners a 20% discount. In our coup when you go to the shopping cart in the box put LIVEFABLIFE and that will give them 20% off.

It will work on everything all the time until you say stop, which hopefully will never be happening. Those are the two places that you can generally find more information about us. And we have very active socials. We are on Instagram ENERGYbits and BEAUTYbits on Instagram. Come and follow us cause we have lots of contests and giveaways and we're on Twitter and Facebook too. They can see us there.

Naomi Nakamura: Thank you so much for offering that. I am definitely going to be giving it a try and I know many of my listeners will want to as well.

Catharine A.: Excellent. Well, we'd be delighted and I love to teach and my conferences all the time so you check our stream to see where I'm going and maybe I'll get a chance to meet some of them in person. So terrific.

Naomi Nakamura: Absolutely. Thank you so much for joining.

Catharine A.: All right, you're welcome. Thank you for having me. Take care.

Naomi Nakamura: If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would subscribe to this podcast, write a review or even share it with someone who you know would enjoy it too. In the meantime, you can find the show notes for this episode and all other episodes over on my website at www.livefablife.com. There you can submit a question to be answered right here on the show, sign up for weekly updates, insight or access, and get behind the scenes hoops and learn how we can work together too. Most importantly, thank you so much for being here and I can't wait to connect with you again on the next episode of the show. See you next week.'

Naomi Nakamura is a Functional Nutrition Health Coach. She helps passionate, ambitious high-achievers who are being dragged down by fatigue, burnout, sugar cravings, poor sleep, unexplained weight issues, and hormonal challenges optimize health, find balance, and upgrade their energy so they can do big things in this world.

Through her weekly show, The Live FAB Live Podcast, programs, coaching, and services, she teaches women how to optimize their diet, support their gut health, reduce their toxic load, and improve their productivity, bringing work + wellness together.

Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!

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Naomi Nakamura

Hi, I'm Naomi!

I’m a Certified Holistic Health Coach who helps people who suffer from fatigue and digestive distress learn how to eat real food and adopt clean living practices for better health energy, and endurance. Why feel tired when you can feel fired up and ready to go every single day? 

I love running outdoors, connecting with like-minded people, and exploring the San Francisco Bay Area with my pup, Coco Pop.

Connect with me:  Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest


Episode 077: The Pros and Cons of Blue Light and How to Get Quality Sleep with James Swanwick


Episode 074: Naomi's Keto Quick Start