Episode 268: Does Human Design Reflect What We're Meant To Do?

The Live FAB Life Podcast Episode Episode 268: Does Human Design Reflect What We're Meant To Do?

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked, “Will Human Design tell me what I'm supposed to be doing?”...

In this episode, I answer this frequently asked question and discuss;

  • What asking this is indicative of

  • Why Human Design isn’t limiting or predictive

  • The role of your Incarnation Cross 

Listen to the Episode:

Human Design is just a framework - a framework to raise your self-awareness. It’s a framework that illuminates how your individual energy works. It’s a framework that sheds light on where you’ve been conditioned and how you’ve been conditioned. It’s a framework that reaffirms what your gifts are, and how you can best use those gifts. That’s what Human Design is.
— Naomi Nakamura

Read the Transcript:

Hello there, friends. Welcome to The Live FAB Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura.

Today I'm answering a frequently asked question that I get over and repeatedly, “How does Human Design reflect what we're meant to do?”

What this tells me, every time someone asks it, is that they aren't wholly satisfied with their life professionally and/or personally. They're not happy because they're still searching for answers on what they’re meant to do. But for one reason or another, they do know what they are doing, isn't it? It’s not their end game. They don't feel completely aligned and connected with it. So, they're looking for directions and for answers.

First, I want to start by saying, and I've said this many times, over and over, and I know I'll say it again, I don't believe that Human Design is predictive, meaning it's not going to tell you what you exactly what you’re “meant to do.”

Human Design is not going to tell you what your job should be. It's not going to tell you what career to pursue. It's not even going to tell you who you should be with.

Simply put, Human Design is just a framework - a framework to raise your self-awareness. It's a framework that illuminates how your individual energy works. It's a framework that sheds light on where you've been conditioned and how you've been conditioned. It’s a framework that reaffirms what your gifts are, and how you can best use those gifts. That's it. That's what Human Design is.

Now, for those of you who are quite familiar with Human Design, you're probably thinking, “Well, what about my Incarnation cross?” Wouldn’t my Incarnation Cross tell me what I’m meant to do?

Again, Human Design is simply a framework to raise your self-awareness on how your specific energy works. This applies even to your Incarnation Cross.

Your Incarnation Cross is your purpose, it's your mission, but it's not going to tell you specifically what you should be doing or who you should be with.

No one's Incarnation Cross tells them they should be an accountant, or they should become a writer, or they should be a doctor, or they should marry a Manifesting Generator.

What your Incarnation Cross does tell you is what the overall theme of your life is; the theme for your life personally, professionally, and socially, how to use your energy to align with it, and how you can best serve others.

When we talk about purpose and life themes and all of that, it's really talking about how we interact with, and how we can best serve others.

If you're not yet familiar with your Incarnation Cross, I have two episodes for you to listen to - Episode 239 is on what is the Incarnation Cross, and in Episode 240, I talked about my personal Incarnation Cross.

I won't get into all the specifics here, you can listen to Episode 240 for that, but my Incarnation Cross is the Right-Angle Cross of Rulership.

This Incarnation Cross is about having influential energy and basically having the power of persuasion, and knowing how to message things. It’s about knowing how to share and convey information in a persuasive way.

I have a choice to use this energy for good, unselfishly for altruistic purposes, or to use it incorrectly in a selfish way.

Having the powers of persuasion and influential leadership could look like any number of things – being a CEO or executive, teacher, journalist, or podcaster!

The point is, this energy can be used for anything, in any given situation. So, to Human Design isn’t going to tell you “What you’re meant to do,” rather, it will tell you “How to go about doing it in the way that’s correct for you.

The challenge that we have is believing that we’re worthy of our Human Design gifts, capable of living a live aligned to it, and then putting it into practice.

Personally speaking, I never believed I was a leader, let alone one that had influence or the gift of messaging and power of persuasion. But as I've learned about my Right-Angle Cross of Rulership Incarnation Cross, I've observed ways that I’d been holding myself back and noted how I could step into alignment with my purpose.

So, what I hope you take away from this short, but to-the-point episode is - nothing about Human Design is limiting. Your design doesn’t limit what you can or cannot do.

Rather, your Human Design tells you how to go about doing life your way, the best way that's meant for you - not the way that your parents want you to, not the way that your siblings do life, not the way that your mentors, teachers, or anyone else tells you. Not even the way your friends or partners think that you should be going about life.

Your Human Design is your map for how YOU are meant to do life. It's the most effective way for YOU to go through life so that YOU can have the most optimal outcome and the most full and abundant life that’s possible.

Oh, and another thing, when I talked about Human Design not being limiting, what I meant is that just because you have an Undefined Sacral Center, that doesn't mean that you can't do things that take up a lot of energy.

It doesn't mean that I can't run a marathon because I'm a Projector. It doesn't mean that a Reflector doesn’t have any influence because they don't have any Defined centers.

We assume that there's only one way to go about these things – one way to go about life - and when we or anyone ventures off the so-called “way of doing life,” there's judgment.

Judgment by others thinking, “Oh, they're setting themselves up for mistake.” Or “They're leaving opportunities on the table,” “They could have been doing this,” or “They had this opportunity, and they gave it up, and it's such a waste.”

There's also self-judgment, thinking, “I should have been doing it this way, but I guess I'm a bad person because I just can't make myself do that, so I'm doing it this way.”

We all have our own ways of doing things. And that's what Human Design illuminates for us - our own ways of going about doing things in the way that's correct for each of us individually.

So, instead of checking off the boxes and doing things the way other people expect you to, do it your way, the way that’s correct for you.

When you don’t, that's when you feel tired all the time, because you're exerting unnecessary energy by going about and doing things in a way that's not meant for you.

Even when you go about doing things your correct way, you may still end up with the same outcome that your parents, partner, or whoever hoped for you, but the path to get there must be your own.

It can't be according to someone else's expectation. You must do things in the correct way that's meant for you. And that's where your Human Design comes in.

Your design is your roadmap of the right way for you to go about living life which may be very, very different from others.

And so Human Design is simply that - it's just a framework. It's a guide for self-awareness.

It’s not predictive and it’s not limiting because – and this is important - we have something called agency. We have free agency – the freedom to make our own choices.

Human Design doesn't take into account our life experiences.

It doesn't take into account our relationships.

It doesn't take into account our conditioning.

It doesn't take into account the people we have in our lives who are impacted by our decisions.

But what Human Design does is show us how we’ve been conditioned, and what a deconditioned version of ourselves can be.

It shows us how we can best interact with others in a way that's supportive for everyone involved.

And shows us how we can work with our individual, unique energies for be able to go through life with more ease and flow, instead of being a fish trying to fight the current and go upstream because when you do that, all it does is leave you feeling tired, fatigued, and burned out.

Your Human Design doesn’t pigeonhole you. In fact, it's quite the opposite - when you align yourself to your design, it’s expansive and you open yourself up to synchronicities and opportunities that you may never have even imagined.

So, remember that you have free agency - a choice - to go about doing life according to what's correct for you, and your Human Design is simply your tool to help you use that agency.

That's all that I have today. It's a short episode but we’ve talked about this topic before, and I’m sure we will again in the future because it’s clearly a hot topic that keeps coming up time and time again!

As always thank you for your time and your attention and your energy and I'll see you right back here again next time. Bye for now.

Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.

She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.

She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.

Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!

Connect with Naomi on: Instagram | Pinterest

Naomi Nakamura

Hi, I'm Naomi!

I’m a Certified Holistic Health Coach who helps people who suffer from fatigue and digestive distress learn how to eat real food and adopt clean living practices for better health energy, and endurance. Why feel tired when you can feel fired up and ready to go every single day? 

I love running outdoors, connecting with like-minded people, and exploring the San Francisco Bay Area with my pup, Coco Pop.

Connect with me:  Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest


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