Healthy x Human Design Playbook

Your Healthy x Human Design Playbook is your 60-ish-page personalized eBook where your Human Design is translated in an easy-to-understand way. 

This personalized guide is for you if:

  • You’re new to Human Design and are overwhelmed by it. Your Human Design Playbook breaks down each part of your design and explains it in simple, digestible ways with images to help make it easier to understand.

  • You’re confused about how the different parts of your design are interdependent on each other.

  • You’re frustrated and are seeking a different way of approaching your health and life in general.

  • You want to raise your self-awareness of your gifts, where you have influence, where you’re vulnerable to be influenced, what boundaries are essential for you to establish and how to best care for yourself.

  • You’re seeking clarity on what your Human Design means and how it’s your roadmap so you can contextualize your struggles and work through them

  • You want to give yourself permission to have grace and compassion for the darker shadows of yourself and know what to do with and about them.

  • You want to build up your confidence so you can take an empowered, personalized approach to your health, work, and every day life.

  • You want to learn how to trust yourself, your judgement, and your ability to make decisions that are correct for you.

  • You want to embrace your idiosyncrasies and contextualize them as gifts so you appreciate and love yourself, no longer feeling shame or self-loathing.


Your Healthy x Human Design Playbook will cover the following:

  • Type

  • Strategy and Authority

  • Profile Lines

  • Energy Centers and Definitions

  • Incarnation Cross

  • Gates and Channels

  • Variables (Cognition, Determination, Environment, Motivation and View)

It also includes audio narration of your Human Design (think of it as your own personalized podcast episode of your Human Design Reading!), customized guidance on how you can best manage your energy for optimal health, utilize your unique gifts, and be aware of potential areas of influence and conditioning, how you can best rest and sleep, eat, move, work, communicate, establish boundaries, support relationships, and more. 

NOTE: Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery via email

Order your Human Design Playbook!

This is personalized and custom-created for you. It’s not available for immediate download. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery by email.