Functional Nutrition Assessment

Your Functional Nutrition Assessment is an exercise of collecting and organizing data chronologically and visually to connect the dots and get to the root of your health complaints.

A Functional Nutrition Assessment is for you if:

  • You’re confused by your health complaints and aren’t sure how or if they’re related. A Functional Nutrition Assessment collects your health history and organizes the data so that you can see how your symptoms and concerns are connected.

  • You’re overwhelmed by the amount of information and advice on how to care for your health. 

  • You’re frustrated because your healthcare team doesn’t see or hear you.

  • You’re struggling with stress, fatigue, burnout, and an imbalanced life.

  • You feel like you’re wasting your time because everything you’ve tried to alleviate your challenges hasn’t been effective.

  • You want clarity on how your health history and daily choices influence how you feel and your body functions.

  • You want to learn how to use the tools of Functional Nutrition and raise your awareness of how your mind and body are connected and how there may be collective contributors to the root cause(s) of your current health struggles.

  • You want to release pre-conceived conditioning around what healthy is “supposed” to look like.

  • You want to build up your confidence so you can take an empowered, personalized approach to your health, work, and everyday life.

  • You want to learn how to trust yourself, your judgment, and your ability to make correct decisions.

  • You want a broader perspective of what’s going on in our health so you can have grace and compassion for yourself.

The Process:

1. After placing your order, you'll be sent an in-depth questionnaire to complete.

2. Based on the information you provide, you'll receive:

  • A Functional Timeline of your health history

  • Your Functional Nutrition Matrix - a visual representation of the data you provide (pictured above)

  • A recommended Action Plan with my recommendations and supporting resources (if applicable)

Note: Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.

Order your Functional Nutrition Assessment!

This is personalized and not available for immediate download. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery by email.