Eating for Energy

Reset Your Taste Buds and Find Balance Without Deprivation

Understand your sugar cravings, why blood sugar is important, and how to manage it by choosing healthier, nutrient-dense foods without sacrificing satiety or flavor.

Hold the Sugar!

Hold the Sugar!

Do your energy levels fluctuate between feeling strong, tired, and fatigued?

You know nutrition is critical, but you’re uncertain how to nourish yourself properly.

If you're seeking a solution to maintain consistent energy levels without experiencing feelings of deprivation or constant hunger, look no further.

Eating for Energy is a self-paced training program in which I teach you how to fuel your body sustainably without sacrificing satiety and flavor.

How we eat can be polarizing, but we can all agree that reducing our intake of processed sugar benefits everyone.

You're well aware of sugar's harmful effects on your health and know that you simply need to reduce the amount of it you eat. However, simple doesn’t mean easy.

You've taken the step to reduce how much sweets, but you find yourself binging all the carbs.

You've attempted to quit sugar completely, only to find that it intensified your cravings.

You’ve even tried eating less, but eating less doesn’t always translate to healthy eating.

How would it feel to understand cravings and know what to do with them?

How empowering would it be to understand the science behind sugar and exactly how it impacts your health?

Imagine how freeing it would feel to reset your taste buds and improve your health while still enjoying your food.


Eating for Energy:

Reset Your Taste Buds and Find Balance Without Deprivation

Change your relationship with food by learning what foods help you thrive and how to feel confident and trust your decisions on what to put on your plate.

Here’s what’s inside:

→ The Impact of Sugar

→ The Science of Sugar, Simplified

→ Nutrient Density versus Calorie Density

→ How to Find Balance Without Deprivation

→ How to Use Your Human Design As A Tool for Sustainable Success


This video-on-demand training includes:

A 60-minute video training

How to Build A Healthy Plate Guide

35+ Simple Nutrient-Rich Recipes

How to Read Ingredient Labels downloadable cheatsheet to have handy when you’re grocery shopping

This training is for you if:

→ You’re tired of being confused about what it means to “eat healthy”

→ You want to understand the science behind the cravings, sugar crashes, how they affect you

→ You want to feel confident that the choices and decisions you’re making are correct for you

Note: This training is based on the principles from the 21-Day Sugar Detox. It does not include how to do the program, program “rules” or any resources from the program.




I’m a certified 21-Day Sugar Detox Coach. I’m here to create a healthier society through aligned energy. I blend a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help you shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage your energy to support your body, mind, and soul. When you embrace your authenticity and lean into your bio-individuality, you’ll naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.

I’m also a certified Integrative Nutrition Coach, Functional Nutrition counselor, and Human Design Guide.